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Yousaf Raheel, Muhammad Arshad Khalil, Mohammad Amer Shahzad
AbstractResearch to-date has focused mainly on the impact of leadership styles of academic administrators of primary and secondary education institutions on faculty job satisfaction. There was however a growing need to investigate the correlation between leadership styles of academic administrators of higher education institutions i.e. universities particularly the public sector universities in South Asia on job satisfaction of faculty.
Through use of Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, this paper identifies the leadership styles of several academic administrators of the public sector university in question who have served on this role during past 12 years. An assessment of faculty job satisfaction was performed through Job Satisfaction Survey whereas a correlation between various styles of leadership adopted by the academic administrators of the university in question and their impact on faculty job satisfaction has been studied.
Published in Proceedings of the IOARP International Conference on Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
Read More...M A Khalil, Y Raheel
AbstractExisting research has focused on impact of leadership styles adopted by the academic administrators of the universities on factors such as faculty or student satisfaction. These factors although have an indirect impact on the institutional performance in a state university system of developing countries, there is a growing need to study the correlation between leadership styles and institutional performance through quantitative indicators.
Lack of performance regulatory mechanisms in higher education system in developing countries result in difficulties in performance evaluation based on standard performance indicators utilized for this purpose in developed countries. Based on the analysis of literature pertaining to evaluation of institutional performance, this paper identifies ever so important quantitative indicators for performance evaluation of the state universities in South Asia.
Identifying the leadership style adopted by the academic administrators has always been an area of interest for the researchers as it affects institutions in different aspects. This paper identifies the leadership style of 4 academic administrators of the state university under discussion who have served the organisation in this role during the past 12 years though a survey using Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. After identifying the leadership styles of the administrators and selecting the quantitative parameters for performance evaluation, a correlation between the leadership style and institutional performance is investigated. This paper also provides a comparison of the performance of academic administrators with varying leadership styles on selected performance indicators.
Published in Proceedings of the IOARP International Conference on Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
Read More...Muhammad Hassan Raza, Munam Ali Shah, Muhammad Kamran Abbasi
AbstractA smart city is an interconnection of objects in which each object plays a role of a source node. The data and information is collected from the source node for further computation and communication. A city can only be called a smart city if certain attributes are available such as clean water, good transport, energy efficiency, well-structured infrastructure, Internet of Things (IoT), mobile health (m-health), and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the things that form a smart city. We focus on applications and technologies and identify different challenges in a smart city. Furthermore, the critical evaluation of different standards, architectures and frameworks form part of the paper.
Published in Proceedings of the IOARP International Conference on Communication and Networks
Read More...Sardar Aadilur Rehman, Munam Ali Shah, Sijing Zhang
AbstractThe smartphone looks the most appropriate communications technology in today's global world. Through this, people can connect to other people for different purposes, e.g., business, commerce, social networking and education etc. The success story of 2nd Generation of wireless mobile communication has been tremendous in Pakistan. The recently launched 3G and 4G cellular technologies in the country offer higher data rates and more connectivity options. In this paper, our contribution is two-fold. Firstly, we investigate the social impacts of 3G/4G cellular networks in Pakistan. Secondly, we conduct a survey about the appropriateness of the technology in the country from social aspects. The survey reveals some interesting results which could be used by service providers and policy makers to make the 3G/4G experience more beneficial.
Published in Proceedings of the IOARP International Conference on Communication and Networks